Plastics and Chemicals

How we help you achieve a clean environment

What does the zero measurement look like?
Request and schedule
Request the baseline measurement online and schedule an appointment with a Kiekens specialist at a time that suits you.
Our expert comes by and performs an extensive measurement to identify dust levels and potential risks.
You will receive a report with concrete findings, including possible risks to food safety and health.
Based on the results, we make recommendations to effectively tackle dust, dirt and risks — with possible tailored solutions.

The diversity of plastics and chemicals requires customization when it comes to dust extraction. Some processes, for example, take place at extremely high temperatures and/or contain aggressive chemical substances. No worries. As an experienced and internationally operating organization, we know how to combine proven methods with the latest filtration technologies. The result: efficient solutions that address today's challenges.
Custom Solutions
Feel free to call us enthusiasts in our field, because driven as we are, our standard solutions always end up being tailor-made. From filtration and ventilation to meticulous dus extraction, we go to the extent of removing even the finest dust particles down to the last micrometer from the air.